
roue [ˈru:eɪ]  [ru:ˈeɪ] 

roue 基本解释


roue 网络解释


1. 放荡者:rouble 卢布 | roue 放荡者 | rouge et noir 红与黑

2. 轮,齿轮,滑轮:rondelle 垫圈 | roue 轮,齿轮,滑轮 | rugosite 粗糙度

3. 享乐者:rouble 卢布 | roue 享乐者 | rouen 鲁昂

4. 放荡者,酒色之徒:rogue 流氓,小淘气,盗贼 | roue放荡者,酒色之徒 | cacique酋长,领袖,大地主

roue 双语例句

1. Man, have left the wife's constraint, are all'the roue', there is not a good thing, this is your salary of two weeks, here you are, see the good thing that you do!

2. Dr. eye: Man, have left the wife's constraint, are all'the roue', there is not a good thing, this is your salary of two weeks, here you are, see the good thing that you do!


3. Near the Prater. You know it? La grande roue? On ira.

4. Criminal policy; value category; substantial category; comprehensive category; technical roue

5. This paper reported that a higuy active solid supperacid TiO_2/SO_4 catalysts and synthetizing roue and technolozical condition of esterication reaction for buthlacid and isoamylol.

6. You're not my lover. you're a monstrous roue.

7. Anyone can see that he is nothing but a Roue and not to be trusted.

8. Choice of route and roue calculation is an important problem for the efficiency and benefit of the transport of railway.

roue 英英释义



1. a dissolute man in fashionable society

    Synonym: rake rakehell profligate rip blood