
rubout ['rʌbaʊt]  ['rʌbˌaʊt] 

rubout 基本解释
rubout 网络解释

1. 谋杀:rubor 红 | rubout 谋杀 | rubric 红字

2. 擦掉,拭去;(俚)杀死:ruboff擦掉,磨去 | rubout擦掉,拭去;(俚)杀死 | bringtoruin使毁灭,使落空

3. 擦掉:rubine 红宝石 | rubout 擦掉 | ruby 红宝石

4. 擦掉,拭去:ringoff挂断电话 | rubout擦掉,拭去 | rundown撞倒,撞沉;追捕,追查

rubout 双语例句

1. A Queen Supreme Court justice reportedly slated for a rubout by a convict he threw the book at will be escorted to and from work by uniformed cops, officials said yesterday.

2. A Queen Supreme Court justice reportedly slate d for a rubout by a convict he threw the book at will be escorted to and from work by uniformed cops, officials said yesterday.