
rumbling [ˈrʌmblɪŋ] [ˈrʌmbliŋ] 


rumbling 基本解释


名词隆隆声; 辘辘声

动词隆隆响( rumble的现在分词); 低沉地说; (车辆)辘辘行驶

rumbling 相关例句


1. I've heard rumblings that Tom may leave.

rumbling 网络解释


1. 腹鸣:腹部饱胀 abdominal distention ; bloating ; flautulence; meteorism; gassiness | 腹鸣 borborygmus ; gurgling ; growling ; rumbling | 黄疸 jaundice ; icterus

2. 隆隆声:At the time=当时; | rumbling=隆隆声; | something like=有几分象...的;

3. 滚筒清理:rumble 震动;隆隆声;转盘噪声 | rumbling 滚筒清理 | rummage 搜查

4. 鸣动:89 A Rose at Summer's End 夏未的蔷薇 | 90 Rumbling 鸣动 | 91 Burgeoning 萌芽

rumbling 词典解释

1. 持续而低沉的声音;隆隆声;辘辘声;咕噜声
    A rumbling is a low continuous noise.

    e.g. ...the rumbling of an empty stomach...
    e.g. Our peace was soon shattered by loud rumblings and explosions like cannon fire.

2. (情况恶化的)迹象,传闻;怨言
    Rumblings are signs that a bad situation is developing or that people are becoming annoyed or unhappy.

    e.g. There were rumblings of discontent within the ranks.

rumbling 单语例句

1. Dou should have learned to ignore the buzzing and rumbling of the gossip mill.

2. rumbling

2. Outbreaks of bird flu in humans have been rumbling for some years but usually only cause milder problems such as conjunctivitis and are rarely fatal.

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3. With a big gulp I proceeded to croon over layers of rumbling riffs and manic beats.

4. Public discontent with state assets losses and privatization has been in rumbling on since the SOE reforms were launched three decades ago.

5. But the joy of discovery wasn't enough to quiet my stomach rumbling as I walked past all my favorite restaurants - all shut that night.

6. With rumbling of explosions and dense smoke, dust blew up to the sky.

7. Endless battles between love and hate, constant struggles between right and wrong and war is always rumbling in the distance.

8. Merapi has been rumbling for weeks and sporadically emitting hot lava and highly toxic hot gas.

9. The ruling should put an end to a case that has been rumbling on for months.

10. Thin Man brings you the show and style of Aerosmith while Zhou Ren pairs a unique vocal style with a rumbling grunge sound.

rumbling 英英释义


1. a loud low dull continuous noise

    e.g. they heard the rumbling of thunder

    Synonym: rumble grumble grumbling


1. continuous full and low-pitched throbbing sound

    e.g. the rumbling rolling sound of thunder

    Synonym: grumbling