run dry

run dry [rʌn drai]  [rʌn draɪ] 

run dry 基本解释

干涸; (乳牛)不产奶; 涸竭; 无滑润运转

run dry 网络解释

run dry

1. 干涸:run down撞倒,停掉,撞沉;追捕,追获,追查出 | run dry干涸 | run for竞选

2. 流干,被耗尽:like a dream轻而易举地,完美地 | run dry流干,被耗尽 | give sb. his due公道地对待,给某人应有的评价

3. 变干:run derrick 竖井架 | run dry 变干 | run gravel 冲积砾石

run dry 单语例句

1. run dry的近义词

1. Watching TV and browsing the Internet have let our children's imagination run dry.

2. run dry

2. He worries that once donations dry up, the village doctor will again run into debts and eventually leave.

3. He was hoping to beat the rain and traffic heading north and wanted to be able to find gas before stations close or run dry.

4. Their taps had run dry after a pump room in a local water plant got flooded due to leaks and equipment failure.

5. Tehran says its nuclear operations are meant to provide electricity, particularly after oil reserves run dry.

6. A quarter of the country's petrol stations have run dry amid fears of the situation.

7. run dry在线翻译

7. But the work has triggered protests from Tokyo, which fears reserves in the area might run dry.

8. run dry

8. The official said major rivers in Dunhuang had run dry and lakes were disappearing.

9. It is the third time this year the lake has run dry.

10. run dry

10. The small river Chen's village relies on for irrigation has run dry.

run dry 英英释义

run dry


1. become empty of water

    e.g. The river runs dry in the summer

    Synonym: dry out