
run-down [rʌn daʊn]  [ˈrʌnˌdaʊn] 

run-down 基本解释


形容词破旧的; (电池)耗尽的; 精疲力竭的; 衰弱的

名词裁员; 刺杀出局; 纲要,总结

run-down 相关例句


1. We will plan to rehabilitate the run-down neighborhood.

2. I bought a run-down farm house and plan to fix it up.

3. Standing on the table was a run-down clock.

4. We're completely run-down and need a thorough rest.

run-down 情景对话


A:What seems to be the trouble, Mr. Brown?

B:I’m in pretty bad shape, Dr. Ford.

A:Oh, in what way?

B:No appetite, always on edge, and I can’t sleep well.

A:Did you lose any weight?

B:Yes, I have lost quite a few pounds since last month.

A:When was the last time you had a check-up?

B:About two month ago.

A:Let me take your blood pressure. You look anemic.Well, Mr. Broun, I’m happy to say it’s nothing serious. You’re just a little run-down from overwork.

B:What am I supposed to do?

A:I think all you need is just a vacation. Try to get outdoors more and be sure to get more rest.

B:Thank you, doctor. I’ll do as you say.

run-down 词典解释
The adjective is pronounced /ˌrʌn 'daʊn/. The noun is pronounced /'rʌn daʊn/. 形容词读作/ˌrʌn 'daʊn/。名词读作/'rʌn daʊn/。

1. 疲惫不堪的;累病的;衰弱的
    If someone is run-down, they are tired or slightly ill.

    e.g. ...times when you are feeling tired and run-down.

2. (建筑物、地区等)破旧不堪的,破败的,失修的
    A run-down building or area is in very poor condition.

    e.g. of the most run-down areas in Scotland.
    e.g. ...a run-down block of flats.

3. 萧条的;不景气的
    A run-down place of business is not as active as it used to be or does not have many customers.

    e.g. ...a run-down slate quarry...
    e.g. He bought a run-down television station.

4. (行业、组织等规模的)缩减,紧缩
    When the run-down of an industry or organization takes place, its size or the amount of work that it does is reduced.

    e.g. ...the impetus behind the rundown of the coal industry.

5. 细节;详细情况
    If you give someone a run-down of a group of things or a run-down on something, you give them details about it.

    e.g. Here's a rundown of the options...
    e.g. This full-colour supplement includes full race details, plus a comprehensive run-down on all the British hopefuls.

run-down 英英释义



1. having the spring unwound

    e.g. a run-down watch

2. run-down的反义词

2. worn and broken down by hard use

    e.g. a creaky shack
           a decrepit bus...its seats held together with friction tape
           a flea-bitten sofa
           a run-down neighborhood
           a woebegone old shack

    Synonym: creaky decrepit derelict flea-bitten woebegone