
runoff ['rʌnˌɔ:f]  [ˈrʌnˌɔf, -ˌɑf] 

runoff 基本解释

名词径流; 决胜投票; 附加赛

runoff 网络解释


1. 径流:林区可以通过吸收雨水和截取地表径流(runoff)(过剩的雨水)来减少水土流失. 树木的根系将土壤固定在它所在的地方,防止湖床和河道出现阻塞. 林区对于雨水的吸收还能帮助地下水补给并防止洪水的爆发. 森林是世界上氧气的主要来源,

2. 决定性竞选:如果普选还不能决定最终结果,那么还有决定性竞选(runoff). 到了投票日(polling day),选民(voter)就会把填好的选票放进投票箱(ballot box). 在选举中的投票通常都是不记名投票(secret vote / anonymous ballot).

3. 迳流:当骤雨来临时,红土层如无森林的保护及吸收,则大部分的雨水将成为表面迳流(runoff),顺著山坡向下游流走. 而砾石层如无森林的保护而裸露在外时,则对於雨水的侵蚀就毫无抵抗之力了,未固结的砂粒很容易被雨滴直接冲击而跳失,

4. 径流量:本世纪相类似的大范围干旱可能会引起:碳存储量及动力学的巨大改变,近地面的太阳辐射量的不稳定,径流量(runoff)和侵蚀(erosion)形式的变化,也会引起在土地和气候之间的微气候反馈(microclimate feedback)的变化,

runoff 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. Gbagbo has refused to cede power despite Ouattara's wide recognition as the winner in the Nov 28 presidential runoff.

2. runoff

2. Mugabe was said to be pondering conflicting advice on whether to cede power or face a runoff.

3. runoff

3. And John Liu last week won the Democratic primary runoff for comptroller, the city's chief financial officer and one of its top three elected positions.

4. runoff在线翻译

4. Elevated river and waterfall levels mark the spring snowmelt runoff in the Sierra Nevada, constituting a large component of California's water supply.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. The bureau's statistics show average runoff reached 375 cubic metres per second in 2002, only 58 per cent of the average volume in past decades.

6. runoff是什么意思

6. The runoff flowing into the lower reaches of the river remains high this month, with a total 2 billion cubic metres of water so far.

7. Former metalworker and veteran leftist Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva won Brazil's presidential runoff vote on Sunday after his rival Jose Serra conceded defeat.

8. The Taliban say the canceled runoff election in Afghanistan proves that their efforts to derail the vote with threats and attacks were successful.

9. Computerized drip irrigation systems are even more precise, and lasers are now used to level fields so as to eliminate irrigation water runoff.

10. After the floods will come drought when seasonal glacier runoff no longer feeds the rivers, it said.

runoff 英英释义



1. runoff

1. a final election to resolve an earlier election that did not produce a winner

2. runoff的解释

2. the occurrence of surplus liquid (as water) exceeding the limit or capacity

    Synonym: overflow overspill