
rupture [ˈrʌptʃə(r)]  [ˈrʌptʃɚ] 






rupture 基本解释


名词断裂,破裂; 友好关系的决裂; [医]疝气

及物/不及物动词使破裂; 断绝(关系等); 发生疝; 使不和

不及物动词破裂; 发疝气

rupture 网络解释

1. 决裂:破产的英文bankruptcy,从字面上理解,是银行(bank)加决裂(rupture)的组合,在香港,如果我破产之后,我和银行的关系就GAME OVER. 这里有两个意思,一是银行或者财务公司不再借钱给我;二是我以前的债可以一笔OUT消,当然包括买房子的贷款.

rupture 词典解释

1. (体内组织的)破裂;(尤指)脱肠,疝气
    A rupture is a severe injury in which an internal part of your body tears or bursts open, especially the part between the bowels and the abdomen.

2. (使)(体内组织)破裂,爆裂
    If a person or animal ruptures a part of their body or if it ruptures, it tears or bursts open.

    e.g. His stomach might rupture from all the acid...
    e.g. Whilst playing badminton, I ruptured my Achilles tendon.

3. 使(器官)破裂;形成疝;患脱肠
    If you rupture yourself, you rupture a part of your body, usually because you have lifted something heavy.

    e.g. He ruptured himself playing football.

4. (使)破裂;(使)爆裂
    If an object ruptures or if something ruptures it, it bursts open.

    e.g. Certain truck gasoline tanks can rupture and burn in a collision...
    e.g. Sloshing liquids can rupture the walls of their containers.

5. rupture的意思

5. (关系的)裂痕,破裂,断绝
    If there is a rupture between people, relations between them get much worse or end completely.

    e.g. The incidents have not yet caused a major rupture in the political ties between countries.
    e.g. ...a rupture of the family unit.

6. 使(关系)破裂;使(关系)恶化;使(关系)断绝
    If someone or something ruptures relations between people, they damage them, causing them to become worse or to end.

    e.g. The incident ruptures a recent and fragile ceasefire.

rupture 单语例句

1. " We heard that Mu died of cerebrovascular rupture, " Wang said.

2. Stagnation in property sales and capital chain rupture would leave banks subject to high risk, which would in turn put the country's economy in danger.

3. The statement said the faulty track bar may rupture during operation and leave vehicles out of control.

4. His cornea was swollen, leaving him vulnerable to a full rupture.


5. Others will deflate after several years and some will last 10 or more years before they rupture or deflate.

6. Some breast implants can rupture or deflate within the first few months, according to the FDA.

7. He said Exxon may use directional drilling to reach the rupture site.

8. Rinehart said several weeks before the rupture the line was shut down because of restricted flow.

9. The hospitals said one of the injured suffered a ligament rupture, one had a dislocated lumbar and another experienced foot trauma.

10. Rupture either skin and the entire greenhouse is immediately flooded with formaldehyde, keeping everything inside.

rupture 英英释义



1. the act of making a sudden noisy break

2. a personal or social separation (as between opposing factions)

    e.g. they hoped to avoid a break in relations

    Synonym: breach break severance rift falling out

3. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

3. state of being torn or burst open


1. separate or cause to separate abruptly

    e.g. The rope snapped
           tear the paper

    Synonym: tear snap bust