
ruse [ru:z]  [rus,ruz] 


ruse 基本解释

名词诡计; 策略,计策

ruse 网络解释

1. 诡计:1)、诡计(RUSE)法则王为人老师:资深采购专家,控制工程与控制理论博士,工商管理硕士,加拿大采购管理协会(PMAC)中国授权讲师,中国物流与采购联合会采购专家组成员.TUV莱茵认证集团特聘讲师,曾任职某外资助听器公司国际采购部亚洲经理,

2. 鲁塞:他中学毕业之后就到鲁塞(Ruse)找到一份做面包的工作. 从那个餐厅出发,只用45分钟就可以到达多瑙河. Alex的母亲是个做糕点的能手,他家所在的小镇上几乎所有的家庭都吃过母亲做的糕点. 说这些时,这个27岁的男人好像一个考试得了第一的孩子,

3. 策略:rusa 黑鹿 | ruse 策略 | rush at 冲向

4. 欺骗计谋:rupture zone 炸裂区 | ruse 欺骗计谋 | sabotage 阴谋破坏

ruse 词典解释

1. 诡计;计谋;计策
    A ruse is an action or plan which is intended to deceive someone.

    e.g. It is now clear that this was a ruse to divide them.

ruse 单语例句

1. It dawned on me suddenly that it was in actuality a men's night, and calling it ladies'night was simply a ruse.

2. He kept up the ruse for nearly a year before his cover was blown.

3. Golf has long been perceived as an elitist pastime of the moneyed class, a ruse for real estate developers and a potential threat to the natural environment.


4. The ruse began to unravel amid a dispute over the mother's home, which was sold at foreclosure in 2003.

5. A developer of local tourism who was found to have masterminded the ruse, nonchalantly justified the hoax.

6. Critics suspect they are a ruse to prevent Mubarak from standing trial, or even to sway public opinion toward granting him amnesty.

7. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

7. Palestinians fear Sharon's plan is a ruse to annex large tracts of West Bank land they want for their state.

8. The woman asked to file a criminal complaint against him for using the promise of marriage as a ruse.

9. Upon recalling her odd behaviour just prior to the second test, a policewoman investigated and discovered her ruse.

10. Their ruse was not discovered until the woman whose name they used tried to transfer her residency records while moving house.

ruse 英英释义


1. a deceptive maneuver (especially to avoid capture)

    Synonym: artifice