rush through

rush through [rʌʃ θru:]  [rʌʃ θru] 

rush through 基本解释
rush through 相关例句


1. I'll try to rush the book through before Saturday.

rush through 网络解释

1. 匆忙做完,快速通过:rush out 突然出现 | rush through 匆忙做完,快速通过 | save for 留供...用

2. 快速通过, 赶紧做:book the flight 订机票 | rush through 快速通过, 赶紧做 | advanced degree 高学历

3. 穿行过:74. at the top end of...在......的最上首 | 75. a busy port繁忙的港口 | 76. rush through...穿行过...

4. 快速通过:rush out of 奔出 | rush through 快速通过 | rush up 催促

rush through 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. The powerful blasts hit at the height of morning rush hour Thursday, ripping through at least one commuter train and rocking at least three stations.

2. Given the complexity and importance of reforming the Security Council any attempt to rush through premature plans could harm the reform process.

3. About 500 rickshaws pedal through London and politicians are in no rush to embrace more.

4. I also buzzed through Beijing's rush hour traffic on my bicycle, ducked into narrow alleys and practiced my Chinese language skills with happy street vendors.

5. rush through在线翻译

5. With Congress expected to stop work for the year late this month, lawmakers would have to rush to push through the deal.

6. Through intelligent transport technology, transport information during rush hours is distributed and updated in less than five minutes.

7. They have also openly attacked Berlusconi's plans to rush through a law intended to limit the use of wiretaps.

8. rush through

8. Many middle and upper managers, and other senior staff are apt to rush through lunch.

9. " We cannot rush through constitutional development because it affects prosperity and stability in Hong Kong, " he said.

10. No one can rush it through when necessary conditions are not yet in place.