
rushing ['rʌʃɪŋ]  ['rʌʃɪŋ] 





rushing 基本解释
急流的,旺盛的;急速行进,仓促完成( rush的现在分词 );突袭;仓促行事;催促;
rushing 网络解释


1. 跑阵:都要以相同的发球(snap)方式开始:进攻及防守组在开球线的前后两边排列,面向对方. 其中一位进攻球员中锋(Center)在两腿之间把球向后传给队友,通常这位接球的队友是四分卫(Quarterback). 四分卫抛球或递球给跑卫(Running Back)持球向前跑,称为跑阵(Rushing)

2. 扑:扣球smash | 扑rushing | 平抽drive

3. 急流的:rushed 匆忙的 | rushing 急流的 | rushingly 急流地

4. 魔比:05 谜 Sadeness | 06 魔比 Rushing | 07 狂喜乐团与莎拉克劳克兰 Silence

rushing 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. Gan said the company was not rushing to get a direct selling licence, but was trying to ensure the business adjustment was successful.

2. rushing

2. Soon we were surrounded by water carved canyon faces and enveloped in the tranquil sound of the rushing creek.


3. Carolina's Cam Newton threw for 502 yards with four TDs and no picks while rushing for 202 and two scores in two games against them.

4. But life is getting on normally as trucks full of sugar cane are rushing between sugar farms and a refinery mill.

5. rushing在线翻译

5. With speculation that the yuan could appreciate and China breaking trade surplus records, foreign capital is rushing into the country.

6. Multinational companies are keeping a close eye on the vaccine business in China and are rushing to cash in on the booming market.

7. The latest sign of how much cash is rushing to China was last month's share sale by Industrial & Commercial Bank of China.

8. " It does stop people from rushing into the train at times, " a passenger said at the Causeway Bay station.

9. rushing

9. After the central government announced it would end a tax exemption policy on Jan 1, buyers have been rushing to take advantage of the policy.

10. She would certainly have died but for other teachers hearing her screams and rushing to her rescue.

rushing 英英释义


1. rushing

1. the act of moving hurriedly and in a careless manner

    e.g. in his haste to leave he forgot his book

    Synonym: haste hurry rush

2. (American football) an attempt to advance the ball by running into the line

    e.g. the linebackers were ready to stop a rush

    Synonym: rush