
sacking [ˈsækɪŋ]  [ˈsækɪŋ] 



sacking 基本解释

名词口袋布,制袋子用的粗麻布,帆布(等于sackcloth); 厚纸袋,塑料袋

及物动词解雇(sack的ing形式),装进,获得; 把…装入袋子

sacking 网络解释


1. 袋布:sackful 满袋 | sacking 袋布 | sackless 无害的

2. 麻袋布:sacking loom 麻袋布织机 | sacking 麻袋布 | sacque 宽大短茄克

3. 袋装:gunny sack 粗麻布袋 | sacking 袋装 | saddle 鞍形支座;<气>鞍型低压;<地>鞍状构造

4. 袋布/制袋用粗麻布/帆布:sackholder /袋夹/夹袋器/ | sacking /袋布/制袋用粗麻布/帆布/ | sackloader /袋包装船机/

sacking 词典解释

1. 麻袋布;粗麻布
    Sacking is rough woven material that is used to make sacks.

2. 解雇;开除;炒鱿鱼
    A sacking is when an employer tells a worker to leave their job.

    e.g. ...the sacking of twenty-three thousand miners.
           23,000 名矿工被解雇

sacking 单语例句

1. Sanlu took its first administrative action after the milk food scandal broke out by sacking its board chairman and general manager Tian Wenhua.


2. After the sacking of coach Vicente del Bosque and the signing of David Beckham in 2003 the trophies dried up.

3. He said the municipal disciplinary committee handled a number of serious cases last year, including the sacking of former deputy mayor Liu Zhihua.

4. Local media said he had been sacked for reasons including extortion, and due to his sacking he had lost his retirement benefits.

5. Slattery was chief financial officer of the Henley Group before allegations of his private dealings led to his sacking.

6. But the sacking of the former Portugal's coach could be costly for Chelsea.

7. The sacking split the party into two factions, one of which has allied itself to opposition parties blocking legislation.


8. Sharon is walking a political tightrope since sacking the Shinui party ministers, leaving Likud in control of only 40 of parliament's 120 seats.

9. They rushed up to the main offices on the second floor, and some of them began sacking everything in sight.

10. The dismissals follow the sacking of a Ukrainian track and field coach on Tuesday after eight athletes tested positive for banned anabolic steroids.

sacking 英英释义


1. the termination of someone's employment (leaving them free to depart)

    Synonym: dismissal dismission discharge firing liberation release sack

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. coarse fabric used for bags or sacks

    Synonym: bagging