
sacrosanct [ˈsækrəʊsæŋkt]  [ˈsækroʊsæŋkt] 

sacrosanct 基本解释



sacrosanct 相关例句


1. In India, the cow is a sacrosanct animal.

sacrosanct 网络解释

1. 极神圣的:sacroiliac 骶髂的 | sacrosanct 极神圣的 | sacrosanctity 神圣不可侵犯

2. 神圣:appellation 名字 | sacrosanct 神圣 | sacrilegious 亵渎神灵

3. 神圣不可侵犯的:evict (依法)驱逐 | sacrosanct 神圣不可侵犯的 | succinct 简明的,简洁的

sacrosanct 词典解释

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1. 神圣不可侵犯的;不容指责的;不可变更的
    If you describe something as sacrosanct, you consider it to be special and are unwilling to see it criticized or changed.

    e.g. Freedom of the press is sacrosanct.
    e.g. ...weekend rest days were considered sacrosanct.

sacrosanct 单语例句

1. Even those who believe in the sacrosanct nature of personal communications often exclude minors because of potential jeopardy.

2. " Our policy of safety before schedule is sacrosanct, " Chief Executive Officer Geoff Dixon said in a statement.

3. I grew up in Hong Kong where balance budgeting is widely held as sacrosanct.

sacrosanct 英英释义


1. sacrosanct的意思

1. must be kept sacred

    Synonym: inviolable inviolate