
saddlebow ['sædlbəʊ]  ['sædəlˌboʊ] 

saddlebow 基本解释


saddlebow 网络解释

1. 鞍的前穹:saddlebag 鞍囊 | saddlebow 鞍的前穹 | saddlecloth 鞍褥

saddlebow 双语例句

1. The upper front part of a saddle; a saddlebow.

2. A third time he approached in the same manner, when the Christian knight, desirous to terminate this elusory warfare, in which he might at length have been worn out by the activity of his foeman, suddenly seized the mace which hung at his saddlebow, and, with a strong hand and unerring aim, hurled it against the head of the Emir, for such and not less his enemy appeared.

saddlebow 英英释义


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. handgrip formed by the raised front part of a saddle

    Synonym: pommel