
safe-conduct ['seɪfkənd'ʌkt]  ['seɪfkənd'ʌkt] 

safe-conduct 基本解释


safe-conduct 双语例句


1. We are not bound either to give or to observe the safe-conduct of a heretic.

2. With the summons was issued a safe-conduct, ensuring his return to a place of security.

3. To the emperor's safe-conduct was added a personal assurance of protection by the pope.


4. Having brought you here to this out-of-the-way place, I feel myself responsible for your safe-conduct home, whatever you may yourself feel about it.


5. Therefore through his agents he endeavored to induce Luther to appear without a safe-conduct, trusting himself to his mercy.

6. Without a safe-conduct he set out, with a single companion, for Constance.


7. In order that they may not be able to make this excuse, we have taken measures for a comprehensive safe-conduct to be granted and conveyed to them by the Genoans, through whose territory they can travel in safety to the Roman curia, so that they may be able to bring forward the views which they may wish to present in defence of this Pragmatic Sanction.
    以使他们可能无法使这个藉口,我们已采取措施进行全面安全行为给予并转达给他们的Genoans ,通过其领土前往他们能够在安全的罗马教廷,使他们可以提出他们的意见,不妨在捍卫这种务实的制裁。

8. He gave them a comprehensive safe-conduct so that they could make the journey and arrive safely and unharmed.

safe-conduct 英英释义


1. safe-conduct在线翻译

1. a document or escort providing safe passage through a region especially in time of war

    Synonym: safeguard