
sago [ˈseɪgəʊ]  [ˈseɪgoʊ] 

sago 基本解释


sago 网络解释

1. 西米:其中包括特色酱料、马来咖哩粉、罐装姜汁、西米(Sago)片零食等. 今年9月牛奶公司在香港公司属下的惠康(Wellcome)超级市场办了类似的马来西亚风味展销会,当时介绍到香港的产品大约有60种.

2. 西贾米:Tofu 豆腐 | Sago 西贾米 | Creamed Coconut 椰油

3. 大西米:米粉rice flour | 大西米sago | 酒酿sweet fermented-rice

4. 稳:sagittifolious 箭叶的 | sago 稳 | salicylic acid 水杨酸

sago 词典解释

1. 西谷米,西米(一种由棕榈茎髓制成的可用于制作甜布丁的白色物质)
    Sago is a white substance obtained from the trunk of some palm trees. Sago is used for making sweet puddings.

sago 单语例句

1. The eatery is also a promising place to find the best dim sum and such traditional beverages as chilled mango sago cream with pomelo.

2. The desert is condensed milk with sago, grapefruit and mango pieces which tastes sweet and sour.

3. This time of year, the sago cycas in the park are said to be blooming.

4. sago的意思

4. Sago pudding with palm sugar in the dessert was perfect with a ball of vanilla ice cream and dark sugar syrup.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. We wound up with a bowl of coconut sago juice and banana.

6. For dessert, he chose the mildly sweet sago pudding with lotus seeds.

7. The gases at the Sago Mine and damage to the ventilation system had prevented investigators from entering the mine until Saturday.

8. Upon hearing the discouraging news, many family members retreated to the nearby Sago Baptist Church.

sago 英英释义


1. powdery starch from certain sago palms
    used in Asia as a food thickener and textile stiffener