
saltwort ['sɔ:ltwɜ:t]  ['sɔ:ltˌwɜ:t] 

saltwort 基本解释
saltwort 网络解释

1. 植物:saltworks 盐厂 | saltwort 植物 | salty 有盐分的

2. 钾猪毛菜:saltwater 盐水 | saltwort 钾猪毛菜 | salty soils 盐化土壤

3. 黎科冈羊西菜属植物:saltwatersea-born 海产的 | saltwort 黎科冈羊西菜属植物 | salubriously 有益健康地

4. 藜科植物:2110 藜 Goosefoot | 2111 藜科植物 Saltwort | 2112 黄花 Golden rod

saltwort 双语例句

1. 1 They plucked saltwort and shrubs; the roots of the broom plant were their food.

saltwort 英英释义


1. low-growing strong-smelling coastal shrub of warm parts of the New World having unisexual flowers in conelike spikes and thick succulent leaves

    Synonym: Batis maritima

2. bushy plant of Old World salt marshes and sea beaches having prickly leaves
    burned to produce a crude soda ash

    Synonym: barilla glasswort kali kelpwort Salsola kali Salsola soda