
sanity [ˈsænəti]  [ˈsænɪti] 

sanity 基本解释

名词神志正常; 心智健康; 头脑清楚; 通情达理

sanity 反义词


sanity 相关例句


1. Sanity of judgment has never deserted him.

2. I doubt the sanity of such a plan.

3. Those who had heard what he said questioned his sanity.

sanity 网络解释


1. 心智健全:生态环境的心理价值有发展的、治愈的、精神的和自我满足的价值,其中荒野(wildness)的心理价值是生态心理学中最有研究价值的领域之一. 4.在保护生态的更深层次上,提出应建立一种关于心智健全(sanity)和精神健康(mental health)的新标准

2. 理智:约格.萨隆 所有技能围绕 理智(Sanity) 展开. MMO-Champion推测所有玩家起始于100% 理智.

3. 虽然仍然有足够:我们也经常只是Poverty. | 虽然仍然有足够Sanity, | 也陷无可名状的Vanity,

4. 头脑清醒健全:13. annihilate 歼灭 | 14. bequeath 赠送,把......传给后代 | 15. sanity 头脑清醒健全

sanity 词典解释

1. 心智健全;精神正常
    A person's sanity is their ability to think and behave normally and reasonably.

    e.g. He and his wife finally had to move from their apartment just to preserve their sanity.

2. 清醒;明智;通情达理
    If there is sanity in a situation or activity, there is a purpose and a regular pattern, rather than confusion and worry.

    e.g. Rafsanjani has been considering various ways of introducing some sanity into the currency market.

sanity 单语例句

1. According to a website run by the Church of Scientology, followers believe the " health and the sanity of the child begin long before birth ".

2. sanity

2. In an admirable effort to bring sanity to the crowds, the icy lake is divided into various sections according to the chosen activity.

3. Their preoccupation has cost them their studies, their health and their sanity.

4. Artificially raised prices have held consumers and the market order hostage for long, reminding authorities that it's time they took measures to restore sanity to the market.

5. Remember to take a break from the work to keep your sanity.

6. No one with the least sanity should blame a whole people or nation for one mentally ill person's deeds.

7. After a marathon six hours or so of listening to these my sanity was in question.

8. sanity在线翻译

8. This business has to be eradicated to restore sanity and ensure a balanced development of education.

9. The need for collaboration will mean accepting sanity in salaries and perks.

10. He called for strengthening regulatory environment as quickly as possible to ensure sanity and transparency.

sanity 英英释义


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. normal or sound powers of mind

    Synonym: saneness