
sapphire [ˈsæfaɪə(r)]  [ˈsæfˌaɪr] 


sapphire 基本解释


名词蓝宝石; 蔚蓝色


sapphire 相关例句



1. He left a sapphire ring to her.

sapphire 网络解释

1. 蓝宝石的:传统意义上的蓝宝石的(Sapphire)矿物学名称为刚玉,化学成分为Al2O3,一般是靛蓝、蓝、浅蓝乃至绿、灰蓝等. 广义的蓝宝石是指除红宝石(Ruby)以外的所有宝石级的刚玉. 狭义上的蓝宝石则专指呈现蓝色的透明且杂质较少并不影响石质的宝石级刚玉.

2. 蓝宝石 刚玉:3.蓝宝石-刚玉(Sapphire) 成分:氧化铝 硬度:9 比重:4.00 折射率:1.76-1.77 双折射:0.008 所有具有宝石特性的非红色刚玉,都称为蓝宝石. 由於铁和 钛质所造颜色上的变化,展现多种色调,但最珍贵的是清澈的深 蓝色.

sapphire 词典解释

1. sapphire是什么意思

1. 蓝宝石
    A sapphire is a precious stone which is blue in colour.

    e.g. ...a sapphire engagement ring.

2. 宝石蓝色;天蓝色;深蓝色
    Something that is sapphire is bright blue in colour.

    e.g. ...white snow and sapphire skies.

sapphire 单语例句

1. sapphire是什么意思

1. The ruby gets its red color from traces of chromium, while other materials give the sapphire its usual blue color.

2. The previous day the young man had gone to the shop on the pretence of buying a diamond and stole the sapphire from the counter.

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. The valleys are transformed into a silent picture of pure sapphire and white dotted with bright colors formed by minerals.


4. And the fiery light reflected from the ruby easily draws attention away from the larger sapphire that will be displayed nearby.

5. The latest work also represents the only known prehistoric use of sapphire.

6. To the owner's surprise, one of them returned the next day to ask how much the sapphire cost.

7. One of her unique touches can be seen in the Sapphire blue series.

8. sapphire的意思

8. " Sapphire " is a new specie derived from the large tropical water lily.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. The Lugu Lake nestles among the green of the mountains like a hidden sapphire.

10. sapphire的反义词

10. The sunrise basks the blooms in fiery glow and the spring waters of blue as sapphire flow.

sapphire 英英释义



1. a light shade of blue

    Synonym: azure cerulean lazuline sky-blue

2. sapphire的近义词

2. a transparent piece of sapphire that has been cut and polished and is valued as a precious gem

3. sapphire

3. a precious transparent stone of rich blue corundum valued as a gemstone


1. sapphire的解释

1. of something having the color of a blue sapphire

    e.g. sapphire eyes