
satisfied [ˈsætɪsfaɪd]  [ˈsætɪsˌfaɪd] 




satisfied 基本解释


形容词满意的,满足的; 清偿过的; 确信的,毫无疑问的

动词使满意( satisfy的过去式和过去分词)

satisfied 网络解释


1. 满足:其依赖(requires)的东西均得到满足(satisfied). 第19行:准备安装执行代码包; 第20行:取得已安装文件系统的列表; 第21-26行:再度取包裹文件头信息,算出软件包占用空间; 第27-31行:列出包中文件及要执行的操作,第27行的test=0表示不是进行安装测试,

2. 满意吗:So so!-马马虎虎! | Satisfied?-满意吗? | Stingy!-小气鬼!

satisfied 词典解释

1. satisfied的解释

1. 满意的;满足的;称心的
    If you are satisfied with something, you are happy because you have got what you wanted or needed.

    e.g. We are not satisfied with these results.
    e.g. ...satisfied customers.

2. 确信的;信服的
    If you are satisfied that something is true or has been done properly, you are convinced about this after checking it.

    e.g. People must be satisfied that the treatment is safe.

satisfied 单语例句

1. Insiders suggest Joyo's senior company officials are quite optimistic about their business prospects, and they are reportedly satisfied with the firm's excellent performance last year.

2. I am satisfied with my major works and I still keep writing by hand.

3. They need to repeat the process within one month if the delegates are not satisfied with the answer or face disciplinary action.

4. While the dishes did not completely satiate our Cantonese cravings, the ambiance itself satisfied our'3 C's'and made for a pleasant evening.

5. The man appeared satisfied and presumably asked how much it cost, for the vendor pulled out her calculator with a flourish and punched in 800.

6. What at first seem like frustratingly dainty morsels of food quickly turn into a meal capable of leaving you more than satisfied.

7. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

7. And what at first seems like frustratingly dainty morsels of food, quickly turns into a meal capable of leaving you more than satisfied.


8. An installation by Mu Boyan of a rotund character scaling a tall stepladder depicts how society's individuals are " fat with resources but are never satisfied ".

9. Sources with the plaintiff La Chemise Lacoste said the French company is satisfied with the judgment.

10. satisfied

10. The women who received support from a companion were significantly more satisfied with labor and delivery than those who went through childbirth alone.

satisfied 英英释义



1. satisfied什么意思

1. filled with satisfaction

    e.g. a satisfied customer

2. satisfied的解释

2. allayed

    e.g. his thirst quenched he was able to continue

    Synonym: quenched slaked