save up

save up [seiv ʌp]  [sev ʌp] 

save up 基本解释

储存起来; 蓄

save up 相关例句

save up的解释


1. It took me a year to save up for a new car.

save up 网络解释

1. 贮存:科学家正在研究如何利用(make use of)在山顶上累积(pile up)起来而贮存(save up)在那的积雪的方法. pile up堆积, 积累;save up储蓄, 贮存;make use of使用,利用;take care of照顾与文意不符. 他们利用转发站,

2. 储蓄;贮存;节省:save on 节省,节约 | save up 储蓄;贮存;节省 | say yes 同意,允诺

3. 节省:make up 化妆; 编造 | save up 节省 | eat up 吃光

4. 储蓄:save the day 反败为胜;挽救了大局 | save up 储蓄 | say it with flowers 笑容可掬,细生细气

save up 词典解释

1. -> see save 2

save up 单语例句

1. Fire fighters needed to climb up to 600 meters along the cable to save every pair of tourists.

2. Leave it to high school students to come up with something new to save a little time and energy.

3. Stealing passwords from online gamers might appear less harmful than credit card theft and it does save the culprits from staying up all night playing.

4. save up

4. Analysts have predicted that the two sides will save up to $ 3 billion in transaction costs after they implement direct trading between the two currencies.


5. Officials said the country would save billions in healthcare costs by coming up with a glass that doesn't double as a lethal weapon.

6. People should save up a decent down payment and reverse an inevitable repeatable tide of housing price declines.

7. Relatives said Yao dreamed of being a lawyer and had been working at a nail salon to save up for college when she was attacked.

8. save up的意思

8. His advice to foreign companies in China is to save costs by speeding up the process of localization.

9. Hu and Wen ordered the rescue headquarters to step up efforts and go all out to save the other 38 trapped people.

10. Sean Gallagher finished up by allowing one run on four hits over four innings and was credited with his first save of the season.

save up 英英释义


1. accumulate money for future use

    e.g. He saves half his salary

    Synonym: save lay aside