
sax [sæks]  [sæks] 



sax 基本解释


sax 网络解释

1. 萨克斯:萨克斯(SAX)工作中的娱乐与 萨克斯(SAX)工作中的娱乐 不相关的其它视频萨克斯(SAX)工作中的娱乐 视频其他来源视频名称: 萨克斯(SAX)工作中的娱乐视频描述: 萨克斯(SAX)工作中的娱乐 有大师请指点

2. 萨克管:听过Antiphone Blues里的Sometimes I feel like a motherless child后,除了那丰富撩人的堂音外,萨克管(Sax)依然质感厚实. 唯整体气氛少了一份粗犷与野性,原来的音乐神韵也在不经意中侵人而来,顿时陷入层层的落寞中.

3. 萨克斯管:sawyer 锯木匠 | sax 萨克斯管 | saxe 撒克逊蓝

4. 萨克森:SAR;撒丁 ;;;;;;;;;;x | SAX;萨克森 ;;;;;;;;;;x | SCA;斯堪地纳维亚 ;;;;;;;;;;x

5. sax:simple api for xml; 树结构

sax 词典解释

1. 同 saxophone
    A sax is the same as a saxophone .

sax 单语例句


1. " It's a very diffuse and not very meaningful question, " Sax said.

2. That ability to reinterpret pop into sax jazz has popularized the instrument and holds potential for winning younger Kenny G fans.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. You can't play trumpet or sax inside the giant magnet that is an MRI machine.

4. Having once played in the Godfather of Chinese Rock Cui Jian's band, he is a nationally renowned sax player whose " standard jazz " is widely applauded.

5. As he says, learning the sax is just like learning a language naturally.

6. " I liked to play sax and sports, " he said.

7. So he popped the king of sax in the player and started singing along.

8. sax

8. Li became a businessman and is too busy to play the sax.

sax 英英释义



1. a single-reed woodwind with a conical bore

    Synonym: saxophone