scale up

scale up [skeil ʌp]  [skel ʌp] 

scale up 基本解释

按比例增加[提高]; 按某种比例增加

scale up 词典解释

1. 增大;增加;提高
    If you scale up something, you make it greater in size, amount, or extent than it used to be.

    e.g. Simply scaling up a size 10 garment often leads to disaster...
           只是将 10 号衣服改大的话结果往往会很不理想。
    e.g. Since then, Wellcome has been scaling up production to prepare for clinical trials.

scale up 单语例句

1. The business management and operation capability was obviously unable to catch up with the rapidly increasing business scale.

2. scale up的反义词

2. As the world integration process moves on and the futures transaction keeps active, the futures market will scale up globally.

3. Changes of this magnitude will require substantial additional finance for adaptation and mitigation, and for strategically intensified research to scale up promising approaches and explore bold new ideas.

4. Wang described this Special Sports Meeting as of largest scale ever seen, therefore more people and more complication will show up.

5. scale up

5. A personal credit system will be set up and developed to expand the scale of consumer credit.

6. A sporting event on the scale of the Paralympics has been known to speed up critical changes.

7. Many have been forced to scale down operations or wind them up completely.

8. scale up

8. The international energy crisis is seen as likely to pressure China to scale up its development of alternative energies.


9. It estimates that the market scale in China may finally fetch up to around 30 billion yuan in the year 2010.

10. scale up

10. " But I don't mean that the government should tighten up the economy in full scale, " said Wang.

scale up 英英释义


1. increase proportionally

    e.g. scale up the model