1. 刻度板:scale platform台秤 | scaleplate刻度板 | Schuler-tuned stabilized platform舒勒调谐稳定平台
2. 刻度板,标度盘:scale of turbulence 紊动尺度 | scaleplate 刻度板,标度盘 | scaler 定标器;计数器;换算器;水垢净化器
3. 标尺:scaleplate 刻度板 | scaleplate 标尺 | scalepoint 标度点
1. In order to improve the system of traditional optical lever, We use laser beam instead of the telescope and use photomask and vernier caliper instead of the scaleplate.
光杠杆系统[1] ,主要由光杠杆、望远镜和标尺组成,是测量微小长度变化的常用仪器。在普通物理实验中,一般用于测量杨氏模量[2] ,测量金属线胀系数[1] 等。
2. This paper introduces an automatic paper stand of which the scaleplate is driven by the micro machine controlled by closed cycle circuit. The paper stand is of low cost. Its accumulated error is less than 0.8 mm every 30 lines.