
scallops ['skɒləp]  ['skɒləp] 






scallops 基本解释
扇贝( scallop的名词复数 );扇形皱褶;扇形饰边;扇贝壳;
scallops 网络解释

1. 干贝:资料:(1)中型虾一磅;(2)鲜干贝(scallops)一磅;(3)橄榄油或沙拉油1/2杯;(4)大蒜三瓣,切碎;(5)parsley切碎,1/3杯(6)面包屑1/2杯;(7)盐、胡椒少许;(8)柠檬2/3个,切大片;(9)烧竹棒(skewers)四至六根.

2. 扇贝:遍及卑诗北部海岸、温哥华岛西岸、乔治亚海峡两岸多数地区和海湾群岛一带. 会遭污染而禁捕的贝类包括蚝(oysters)、贻贝(mussels)、蚌(clams)和扇贝(scallops)等双壳贝. 虾、蟹则不受这类毒素影响,不在禁止捕捞之列.

3. 海扇:梨(Avocado)酱、南瓜汤、沙拉、玉米叶素粽、海扇(scallops)和甜点. 此日给学生品尝的酱汁是Green Mole;那酱汁一定要新鲜煮热才能保持青绿色,垫在煎黄的scallops下,伴以压碎的洋芋、佛手瓜,和少见的滑炒仙人掌,赢得众人ooh-aah的喝采.

4. 扇贝(小):clams 蛤蚌 | scallops扇贝(小) | Crab stick 蟹肉条

scallops 单语例句

1. I've tried some really good cod, but his had a texture as fine as fresh scallops.

2. scallops的反义词

2. This is the time of year when you come across so many varieties of scallops up for grabs in shops and markets.

3. Guo says this season's scallops are coming along nicely, and there haven't been any sighting of oil.

4. The scallops were substantial and the sauce was a creamy concentrate of root vegetables.

5. These include braised fish maw and sea cucumber with dried scallops, and steamed baby lobster with chopped garlic.

6. The cheesy ravioli were served with scallops and the ravioli were stuffed with goat cheese, which had a strong aftertaste.

7. scallops在线翻译

7. Don't put the sauce directly onto the scallops or else you spoil the freshness of taste.

8. scallops

8. Always make sure the scallops are free from grit and remove the tough ligament that attaches them to the shell.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. Gently clean scallops in a bowl of water to remove grit and any dark vein, rinse and set aside.

10. The recipe comes from the southern Chinese province of Fujian where seafood is abundant and luxury items like abalone and dried scallops are common ingredients.