
scammer [s'kæmər]  [s'kæmər] 

scammer 基本解释
scammer 双语例句


1. In this case, all a scammer need to use is his mind and come up with crafty ways of getting money easily.

2. Now, the scammer going to sound like he knows more than you do about the subject.

3. This type of attack is very difficult to detect, as the scammer's emails and websites mimic the exact style and graphics of the spoofed company.

4. This, of course, is easy for the scammer to sell, since it sounds so good.

5. Scammer. He or she may not be such but the risk is too high to take chances.


6. But back in those days I was such a scammer that I figured I`d be able to get back in somehow.
    但早在那些天我是这样一个scammer ,我想通我要能够得到早在某种程度上。

7. Read more about scam-scenarios they have used, and don't allow any Russian scammer to get money from you.


8. This is how I caught my first scammer.

9. Scammer and fraudsters want to separate you from your money – but ABC News can help stop them.


10. The scammer will usually tell you that your credit card or account has been cancelled because it was involved in criminal activity.

11. Do not fool a superior scammer: trying to outscam an observant or smarter person will end in disaster.

12. I discussed the entire system of collusion with the scammer's right in front of the dealer and learned it was common practice.

scammer 英英释义


1. a person who swindles you by means of deception or fraud

    Synonym: swindler defrauder chiseller chiseler gouger grifter