
scanners [s'kænəz]  [s'kænəz] 



scanners 基本解释
扫描器;检测装置( scanner的名词复数 );扫描设备;扫掠天线;
scanners 网络解释


1. 扫描仪:1981年,他的科幻片<<扫描仪>>(Scanners)在票房大获成功,终于使他建立起了在加拿大电影界的地位. 随后1983年,他以血淋淋的<<录影带谋杀案>>(Videodrome)探索着后现代媒体的恐怖影响,电视将观众变成如机器人般的暗杀工具,

2. 扫描器:0.95 beta版可删除显示卡(Display adapters)、调制解调器(Modems)、打印机(Printers)及扫描器(Scanners)的驱动程序文件. 四项共可节省972.1MB硬盘空间. 对于办公计算机甚至部分家用计算机来说,Windows系统内置的游戏可有可无,

3. 夺命凶灵:1981年,他的科幻片[夺命凶灵] (Scanners)在票房大获成功,树立了他在加拿大电影界的地位. 随后他与制片公司闹翻,并开始独立制片,拍出了他的代表作[录影带谋杀案] (Videodrome,1983),这部电影探索了后现代媒体的恐怖影响,

4. 掃描者大決鬥:2年后的<<扫描者大决斗>>(Scanners)应该是DC真正进入成熟期的作品,20多年前租录影带来看的时候还看不太懂,只觉得人脑爆裂那幕实在是太震 撼了,这回终於在大银幕上看到,而且这才发现原来前文所谓一个主体与另一客体相结合而成为某种变异体的形式,

scanners 单语例句

1. Campaigners say the scanners act like a mini radar device " seeing " beneath ordinary clothing.

2. Shanghai is launching a comprehensive security system for its subway and sniffer dogs will be another weapon along with security scanners and video cameras.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. In Chaoyang district, every circuit tribunal also has installed security scanners.

4. scanners的意思

4. Her colleague Lin Yin once caught a drug trafficker who had a lot of luggage but got through the scanners without detection.

5. Single source CT scanners have certain limitations on patients, she said.

6. It works twice faster than single source CT scanners and could greatly save patients'time, she explained.

7. Civil libertarians opposed the anatomically revealing technology on all travelers, considering the body scanners an invasion of privacy that is akin to a strip search.

8. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

8. A Chinese college has introduced fingerprint scanners to stop students playing truant, but not everyone is pleased about it.

9. A college in Hunan Province has introduced fingerprint scanners in a bid to discourage students from playing truant.

10. Aviation experts now must assess whether body scanners can fit into EU legislation, officials said.