
scapegrace ['skeɪpˌgreɪs]  ['skeɪpˌgreɪs] 

scapegrace 基本解释



scapegrace 网络解释


1. 恶棍:scapegoat 替罪羊 | scapegrace 恶棍 | scaphoid 船状的

2. 不可救药的恶棍:scapegoatstand-in 替身 | scapegrace 不可救药的恶棍 | scaphocephaly 舟状头畸形

3. 不可救药的恶棍/饭桶:scapegoat /替罪的羔羊/替人顶罪者/替身/ | scapegrace /不可救药的恶棍/饭桶/ | scaphocephaly /舟状头畸形/

4. 流氓; 饭桶; 无赖汉 (名):scapegoatism 诿过他人 (名) | scapegrace 流氓; 饭桶; 无赖汉 (名) | scaphoid 船形的 (形)

scapegrace 双语例句

1. Even to an ingrate, even to a scapegrace

2. Get down, you scapegrace!

3. Poor George, only a year older than his scapegrace brother, looked sixty

4. Kostya was one year younger than I, smaller in size, quiet in appearance, but actually a scapegrace and a rogue

5. Rostov talked away merrily to his two friends, of whom one was a dashing hussar, the other a notorious duellist and scapegrace, and now and then cast ironical glances at Pierre, whose appearance at the dinner was a striking one, with his preoccupied, absent-minded, massive figure. Rostov looked with disfavour upon Pierre.

6. Poor George, only a year older than his scapegrace brother, looked sixty.

7. You ve grown bigger and bonnier, but you are the same scapegrace as ever.

scapegrace 英英释义



1. a reckless and unprincipled reprobate

    Synonym: black sheep