
scarce [skeəs]  [skers] 




scarce 基本解释



副词勉强; 仅仅; 几乎不; 简直不

scarce 同义词

形容词rare sparse scanty

scarce 反义词



scarce 相关词组

1. make oneself scarce : 悄悄离开, 溜走;

scarce 相关例句



1. Eggs are scarce and expensive this month.

2. That bird has become scarce in this country.

3. Money is scarce with them .

4. Food and fuel were scarce in this region.

5. Very old stamps are scarce.

scarce 网络解释

1. 缺乏的:scar 疤痕 | scarce 缺乏的 | scarcely 几乎没有

2. 稀有的:vital 重要的 | scarce 稀有的 | watch 看守

3. 缺乏的, 不足的, 稀有的, 不充足的:yamasol 一种外用杀虫剂 | scarce 缺乏的, 不足的, 稀有的, 不充足的 | wing play 边锋战术

scarce 词典解释

1. 缺乏的;不足的;供不应求的
    If something is scarce, there is not enough of it.

    e.g. Food was scarce and expensive...
    e.g. Jobs are becoming increasingly scarce.

2. (通常为避开难事或僵局)躲开,溜走,回避
    If you make yourself scarce, you quickly leave the place you are in, usually in order to avoid a difficult or embarrassing situation.

    e.g. It probably would be a good idea if you made yourself scarce.

scarce 单语例句

1. He used to rely on credit cards to carry him through the winters when work was scarce.

2. They tell Summer Teng how they saved up their scarce pocket money long and hard just to buy a Teresa Teng cassette.

3. If governments that retain strong credit ratings are to spend scarce resources effectively, the most effective approach is to catalyze debt workouts and reductions.

4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

4. The critical shortage of land in Central keeps office space scarce and rents sky high.

5. scarce什么意思

5. China has pledged to spend US $ 125 billion cleaning up its scarce water supplies by 2010, as well as upgrading water systems to cope with rapid urbanization.

6. The plan says that some scarce and special coal like coke will be developed with protection and lignite will be developed in intensified efforts.

7. The scarce resources of the coal seam need to be finely and carefully mined, the company said.

8. Although the knowledgeable monk was delighted to communicate with visitors from the outside world, such opportunities were scarce in a monastery that had only two monks.

9. When energy prices are low, it does not pay to spend scarce managerial time or capital conserving energy.

10. scarce

10. Investment opportunities are scarce for forex funds in China, where strict forex controls are still maintained and the renminbi is only partially convertible.