scare up

scare up [skeə ʌp]  [skɛr ʌp] 

scare up 基本解释

scare up的解释


scare up 相关例句

scare up


1. She scared up a meal from the bits of food in the kitchen.

scare up 网络解释

scare up什么意思

1. 凑合:scare merchant 危言耸听者 | scare up 凑合 | scare 惊吓

2. 费力张罗、准备:fornicate 私通 | scare up 费力张罗、准备 | ill-gotten 非法所得

scare up 词典解释
scare up的翻译

1. 费力张罗;勉强凑合
    If you scare up something, you provide, produce, or obtain it, often when it is difficult to do so or when you do not have many resources.

    e.g. An all-star game might scare up a little interest...
    e.g. Why don't you see if you can scare up a cup of coffee?

scare up 单语例句


1. The food and drug administrators have finally rolled up their sleeves and are busy killing a chicken to scare the monkey as is their wont.

2. scare up什么意思

2. The school's gatekeeper tried to scare the snake away, but in its fright it slithered up into the branches of the nearby tree.

3. scare up

3. They are going to come together, line up the firecrackers and scare the nian off.

4. The late afternoon scare occurred as lawmakers were wrapping up a third day of hearings for Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor.

5. The clinic owner recanted his claims about the poison, saying he had made up the story to scare away thieves.

6. scare up

6. And you don't scare hardworking Americans just to scare up some votes.

7. scare up的意思

7. Scary Spice went to court Wednesday to try to scare up some child support from Eddie Murphy.

8. Chavez has joked about whether Bush is afraid of him, saying he might sneak up and scare Bush at the summit.

9. Pick up his two sons without worrying he'd scare their classmates.