
scenarios [sɪ'nɑ:ri:əʊz]  [sɪ'nɑ:ri:oʊz] 


scenarios 基本解释
scenarios 网络解释


1. 设想:1972年,在庆祝ARPA网接通的大会上,他编写的<<设想>>(Scenarios)网络技术手册备受认可. 几乎在同一时间,PARC投来橄榄枝,尚未毕业的麦卡夫义无返顾的来到了加州的PARC实验室. 在那里,他首次接触到了ALOHA网(一种基于无线电技术传输数据的小范围网络).

2. 情节:为了能够把4种人不同的观点统一起来,Kruchten大师提出了一个情节(Scenarios)观点(这个词翻译的不好,如果有谁有更好的翻译,请更正). 这个观点其实就是用例观点(Use Case View). 在用例观点的统一下,保证这四种观点能够相互协作,

3. 预案:寻求生态学尤其是景观生态学的理论支持,从系统的高度来发现问题和解决问题;另一方面,城市生态安全格局规划应该积极借鉴相关规划设计方法及其经验和教训,如景观生态规划(landscape eco-planning)的步骤和方法;预案(scenarios)研究的方法、生态系

scenarios 单语例句

1. A few scenarios like contact and schedule sharing are already possible in Butler.

2. Many congressional Republicans indicate they're unconvinced that such scenarios would occur, and some administration officials worry that it could take a financial calamity before Congress acts.

3. Although some think tanks present scenarios of conflict, the reality is that Asian people understand that peace alone can ensure stability and progress.

4. Those projections are based on a range of scenarios which foresee a rise in average global temperatures of between two and four degrees Celsius.

5. If you have gone through this entire checklist and ticked one or more scenarios, it could be time for you to move on.

6. Although the ministry did not clarify a detailed plan of a more flexible pension system, experts say two possible scenarios are being considered.

7. scenarios的近义词

7. There are all sorts of scenarios you can think of where the banks come through OK.

8. But such rosy scenarios have not for the most part come to pass.

9. The paper discusses the modeling of future growth in China under 2 scenarios with a computable general equilibrium model.

10. In Germany's capital people are not overly alarmed by the economic nightmare scenarios which recently have been contrived by economic experts on a daily basis.