名词怀疑论者; 多疑者; 怀疑宗教的人; 无神论者
1. 怀疑论者:把每一种规范的陈述(法律的或其他的)都视为有约束力的规范的陈述或创立价值的陈述. 这样一种语义的观点当然与价值怀疑论(value-scepticism)不谋而合. 这仅仅会导致怀疑论者相信所有的规范陈述都是错误的. 然而,凯尔森不是个怀疑论者(sceptic). 他是一个主观
2. 怀疑者:459. sapling: 拣破烂的人. | 460. sceptic: 怀疑者. | 461. scion: 子孙.
3. (怀疑派):Scapegoat (替罪羊) | Sceptic (怀疑派) | Schaff, Philip (沙夫(1819-1893))
4. 怀疑论者,多疑的人,无神论者:erotic好色之徒 | sceptic怀疑论者,多疑的人,无神论者 | cataleptic全身僵硬病患者
1. 持怀疑态度的人;怀疑论者
A sceptic is a person who has doubts about things that other people believe.
e.g. He was a born sceptic...
e.g. But he now has to convince sceptics that he has a serious plan.
1. sceptic的意思
1. " I went into the study as a sceptic, " he added.