名词(尤指象征君主权位的)权杖; 王权,君权
1. 权杖:作者Shirley借国王手里的权杖(sceptre)和头上的王冠(crown)代替国王,借农民劳动的工具镰刀(scythe)和铁铲(spade)代替农民. 读者必须借助文化语境将权杖、王冠与国王联系起来. 将镰刀、铁铲与农民联系起来,才能正确理解这4个词的真正含义,
2. 赛普特:EIZO)液晶显示器维修 赛普特(Sceptre)液晶显示器维修 鹰派液晶显示器维修饭山(iiyama)液晶显示器维修 摩托罗拉(Motorola)液晶显示器维修 苹果(Apple)液晶显示器维修卓普(ZOPO)液晶显示器维修联系时请说明本条信息来自263在线,
3. 王权:scepticism 怀疑论 | sceptre 王权 | schadenfreude 幸灾乐祸
4. 权杖,君权:bizarre 奇形怪状的;怪诞的 | sceptre 权杖,君权 | lustre 光亮,光泽
1. (象征王权的)节杖,权杖
A sceptre is an ornamental rod that a king or queen carries on ceremonial occasions as a symbol of his or her power.
1. It now forms part of King Edward's sceptre and is in the Tower of London.
2. Five years later a BBC sting operation has raised the sceptre of another possible scandal waiting to tumble out of the cupboard.
1. a ceremonial or emblematic staff
2. the imperial authority symbolized by a scepter
Synonym: scepter