






schedules 基本解释
时间表,日程表;时间表( schedule的名词复数 );日程安排表;清单;明细表;
schedules 网络解释

1. 计划表:但参加各方最后也没有就关于承诺的一揽子安排取得一致. 谈判将同不迟于2000年举行的新的一轮服务谈判一起恢复. 这一领域(港口准入与使用其设施、辅助服务和海洋运输)的有些承诺已包括在部分国家的覆盖所有三个主要领域的计划表(schedules)里.

2. 时间表:2. 在步骤(steps)中,建立作业的具体步骤,这里可以用cmd,也可以用SQL脚本来执行具体的步骤内容;3. 在时间表(schedules)中,建立作业执行的周期时间,如每天一次,每周一次等;下面我们来看下如何写备份(backup)脚本:

3. 附表:4、 监控可选择争议解决(ADR)程序的实施;英国新<<民事诉讼规则>>是由以<<民事诉讼规则>>为主体的一整套法律文件所组成的,主要包括:英国最高法院大法官<<民事诉讼规则>>序言、<<民事诉讼规则>>、<<诉讼指引>>、<<术语解释>> 、<<附表>>

4. 计划中的:Name 名字 | Schedules 计划中的 | Position 位置

schedules 单语例句

1. Bill Richardson, also were holding their own campaign schedules around Florida at the same time.

2. They maintained separate schedules in Sydney, timing their red carpet appearances to ensure they were not photographed as a couple.

3. It is the result of government entities investing large sums into projects that " clog up venues and schedules but do not care for financial returns ".

4. schedules在线翻译

4. The pace took a toll on Bush, who was described by a close aide as grouchy about the schedules.

5. Doing more business in China may force processors to adjust their production schedules, as Lotus and other retailers in the domestic market tend to place orders frequently.

6. Children with overcrowded schedules spread their energy out too thinly to be able to concentrate on doing what they could eventually excel in.

7. Given crowded court schedules and a shortage of judges to hear cases, many custody battles can take up to a year or more to reach a conclusion.

8. The duo blamed the rift on conflicting tour schedules, but media reports said Timberlake was unhappy about repeated marriage demands from the religious Britney.

9. schedules

9. It is considerate of the regulations to require compensation for those who fail to enjoy paid holidays due to tight working schedules.

10. schedules

10. With more people converting to electronic calendars or hovering between paper and PDA, how we construct and coordinate our schedules is in flux.