
schistosomiasis [ˌʃɪstəsəʊ'maɪəsɪs]  [ˌʃɪstəsoʊ'maɪəsɪs] 

schistosomiasis 基本解释


schistosomiasis 网络解释


1. 血吸虫病:血吸虫病(Schistosomiasis)是一种人兽共患病,它仍然是发展中国家亟待解决的主要的公共卫生问题之一;对疫区社会和经济的进步发展是一个威胁. 化疗仍然是控制干预该病的重要措施,但它无法解决重复感染的难题,并可能引起药物抗性的产生. 因此,

2. 血吸虫:(4)感染:包括结核菌或巨细胞病毒(CMV)旳感染,有报告指出血吸虫(schistosomiasis)感染或是Hydatid疾病亦会造成精血症. 精液检查可以确定血液在精液中,精液培养旳角色尚不清楚,并未能提供临床太大旳帮助. 经直肠超因波可以提供有用旳信息,

3. [医]血吸虫病,裂体吸虫病:sampling error 抽样误差 | schistosomiasis [医]血吸虫病,裂体吸虫病 | serotonin 血清素

4. 血吸虫病的:urinary 尿的,泌尿的 | schistosomiasis 血吸虫病的 | proxemics 人际距离学

schistosomiasis 单语例句

1. Carried by freshwater snails, acute schistosomiasis is a parasitic disease that attacks the blood and liver in humans.

2. Carried by freshwater snails, acute schistosomiasis is a parasitic disease that attacks blood cells and the liver in humans.

3. Polluted water spreads infectious intestinal and parasitic diseases, particularly the killer schistosomiasis of snail fever.

4. schistosomiasis

4. With the public health system still recovering from the strain of the SARS epidemic, the central government is facing a new challenge with rapidly spreading schistosomiasis.

5. The husband was suffering from schistosomiasis, hepatitis B and renal calculus.

6. The battle against schistosomiasis would become an almost unparalleled landmark in the achievements of the country's modern healthcare system.

schistosomiasis 英英释义



1. schistosomiasis

1. an infestation with or a resulting infection caused by a parasite of the genus Schistosoma
    common in the tropics and Far East
    symptoms depend on the part of the body infected

    Synonym: bilharzia bilharziasis