
scrabble [ˈskræbl]  [ˈskræbəl] 






scrabble 基本解释

不及物动词乱摸; 扒寻

scrabble 网络解释

1. 拼字游戏:如果问一问的话,你会发现大部分人玩的都是十几二十年前的老款游戏<<地产大亨>>(Monopoly)<<拼字游戏>>(Scrabble)和<<战国风云>>(Risk)等等,看来相比挑战智商的游戏来说聚会游戏更受大家欢迎.

2. 拼字:PSP版<<涂鸦拼字>>(Scrabble)将拥有多种游戏模式,玩家可以与对手比拼填字速度、拼字成功数量等等. 例如:游戏一块15×15方格的图版上进行,每一格只可放一个字母牌,2至4名参加者拼出词汇而得分. 但在正式竞赛中,通常由两人或两队对垒.

3. 填字游戏:无聊时,他喜欢读书,喜欢游泳,喜欢看电影,喜欢玩填字游戏(scrabble),喜欢看<<辛普森家族>>(TheSimpsons),所有这一切都有一个共同的特点:可以独自完成.

4. 乱写:scrabble up 拼凑成 | scrabble 乱写 | scrag 骨瘦如柴的人

scrabble 词典解释

1. 乱扒;乱摸;(尤指在看不见时)摸索着寻找
    If you scrabble for something, especially something that you cannot see, you move your hands or your feet about quickly and hurriedly in order to find it.

    e.g. He grabbed his jacket and scrabbled in his desk drawer for some loose change...
    e.g. I hung there, scrabbling with my feet to find a foothold.

2. 急于;苦求
    If you say that someone is scrabbling to do something, you mean that they are having difficulty because they are in too much of a hurry, or because the task is almost impossible.

    e.g. The banks are now desperately scrabbling to recover their costs...
    e.g. The opportunity had gone. His mind scrabbled for alternatives.

scrabble 单语例句

1. It will not replace the original Scrabble in the UK or US.

2. Some people have been playing a lively game of Scrabble, a word game.

scrabble 英英释义


1. an aimless drawing

    Synonym: scribble doodle


1. write down quickly without much attention to detail

    Synonym: scribble

2. feel searchingly

    e.g. She groped for his keys in the dark

    Synonym: grope for