scratch up

scratch up [skrætʃ ʌp]  [skrætʃ ʌp] 

scratch up 基本解释


刮坏; 挖出; 掘起; 磨坏

scratch up 网络解释

scratch up是什么意思

1. 拼凑, 凑集:vegetative hypha 营养菌丝 | scratch up 拼凑, 凑集 | multiplicator 乘数, 倍率器

2. 拼凑:scratch the surface of 浅尝即止 | scratch up 拼凑 | scratch 乱写

scratch up 单语例句

1. To make sure that their guest chefs skills were up to scratch, the company had started preparing its feast menu two months before Spring Festival.

2. It said anecdotal evidence suggested that over 80 percent of CCTV images supplied to the police was not up to scratch.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. In case her number is called, she has already found a Chinese language teacher to keep her up to scratch.

4. Chu admitted that he wasn't up to scratch when he began military training, which made the other soldiers question his capability.

5. He said his ministry would dispatch teams to the countryside to ensure measures being taken were up to scratch.

6. Both said in test reports that the grain was up to scratch.

7. scratch up

7. If the food is not up to scratch, then it will not be allowed to be sold.

8. scratch up

8. This suggests that the quality of courses many universities provide is not up to scratch.

9. But dishes served up to those who might one day have to fight for the country haven't always been up to scratch.

10. " Our professional staff can help clients set up an entire system from scratch, " he says.

scratch up 英英释义


1. scratch up的意思

1. cut the surface of
    wear away the surface of

    Synonym: scratch scrape