
screwball [ˈskru:bɔ:l]  [ˈskruˌbɔl] 



screwball 基本解释



screwball 网络解释

1. 螺旋球:但与此相反的是,三桥却拥有惊人的控球能力,而且掌握了包括曲球(Curve)、滑球(Slider)、上升球、螺旋球(Screwball)在内的多种变化球投法,而且每种变化球都能精确控制球路,手上布满老茧,初中三年无时无刻不在钻研投球技术--这完全和身体素质以及训练量不相称的超慢球速,

2. 曲线球:screwball 略带神经病的人 | screwball 曲线球 | screwball 怪僻的

3. 和 crackpot 皆指神经不正常的角色:stinker, 混蛋; | screwball 和 crackpot 皆指神经不正常的角色; | hag, 母夜*;

4. 真倒运:5:I'm afraid you'll have to rough it tonight. 恐怕你今晚要将就一下了. | 6:Screwball! 真倒运! | 7:Original. 相当有创意!

screwball 词典解释

1. (喜剧)荒唐可笑的,怪诞的
    Screwball comedy is silly and eccentric in an amusing and harmless way.

    e.g. ...a remake of a '50s classic screwball comedy.
           一部 20 世纪 50 年代经典怪诞喜剧的翻拍

2. 怪人;疯子
    If you say that someone is a screwball, you mean that they do strange or crazy things.

screwball 英英释义


1. a pitch with reverse spin that curves toward the side of the plate from which it was thrown

2. screwball的反义词

2. a whimsically eccentric person

    Synonym: crackpot crank nut nut case fruitcake


1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. foolish
    totally unsound

    e.g. a crazy scheme
           half-baked ideas
           a screwball proposal without a prayer of working

    Synonym: crazy half-baked softheaded