1. 阴囊:(三)阴囊 阴囊(scrotum)皮肤是否粗糙,有无渗出、糜烂及水肿. 阴囊水肿可为全身水肿的一部分,也可由局部因素,如下腔静脉回流受阻引起. 阴囊内可变性肿块,为腹股沟斜疝进入阴囊所致. (四)睾丸(testis)是否缺如,其形状、大小、硬度、有无触痛.
2. 阴嚢:阴茎 penis | 阴嚢 scrotum | 睾丸 testicles
1. 阴囊
A man's scrotum is the bag of skin that contains his testicles.
1. But earlier research has shown that warming the scrotum more than 1 C is enough to damage sperm.
2. Baroness Murphy and her husband have admitted to making up the medical condition cello scrotum.