
scuffle [ˈskʌfl]  [ˈskʌfəl]






scuffle 基本解释

名词扭打,混战; 拖脚行走,拖步; 拖着脚走的声音

不及物动词扭打,混战; 拖脚行走

scuffle 网络解释


1. 扭打:16. take off after 追逐 | 17. scuffle 扭打 | 18. forfeit 喪失(權利、名譽、生命等)

2. 混战:scud#疾行 | scuffle#混战 | scurry#疾走,快跑

3. 扭打,混战:4. press charges: 起诉. | 5. scuffle: 扭打,混战. | 6. a bolt from the blue: 晴天霹雳,坏消息.

4. 亂鬥,混戰:scrubby 下等的,矮小的,草木叢生的 | scuffle 亂鬥,混戰 | seer 預言家,觀看者

scuffle 词典解释

1. (短暂的)扭打,混战
    A scuffle is a short, disorganized fight or struggle.

    e.g. Violent scuffles broke out between rival groups demonstrating for and against independence.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 扭打;混战
    If people scuffle, they fight for a short time in a disorganized way.

    e.g. Police scuffled with some of the protesters...
    e.g. He and Hannah had been scuffling in the yard outside his house.

scuffle 单语例句

1. Police have detained about 10 drivers for the scuffle that lasted a few minutes, after which the cabbies dispersed.

2. An elderly woman who had joined the demonstration had to be rushed to hospital after feeling dizzy following the scuffle.

3. scuffle

3. The protesters assembled at the pier site on Edinburgh Road on Tuesday evening, after which a minor scuffle ensued with police in which a photographer was injured.

4. Security guards tried to restrain him, but in the scuffle his lighter was somehow ignited.

5. scuffle

5. The man refused and allegedly hit the officer with his slipper in the heat of the ensuing scuffle.

6. scuffle什么意思

6. The man who was involved in the incident later said the scuffle was a misunderstanding.

7. Two women and three men were arrested over a scuffle that broke out while they were queued to buy infant formula Wednesday morning.


8. Smith punched Ken Lucas on Friday during a scuffle which was broken up by linebacker Jon Beason.

9. In the ensuing scuffle, one kidnapper was shot in the shoulder and one policeman suffered a burn.

10. One day, he witnessed a scuffle between a magpie and a snake on the mountain.

scuffle 英英释义


1. an unceremonious and disorganized struggle

    Synonym: scramble

2. scuffle的反义词

2. disorderly fighting

    Synonym: hassle tussle dogfight rough-and-tumble

3. a hoe that is used by pushing rather than pulling

    Synonym: scuffle hoe Dutch hoe


1. scuffle

1. fight or struggle in a confused way at close quarters

    e.g. the drunken men started to scuffle

    Synonym: tussle

2. walk by dragging one's feet

    e.g. he shuffled out of the room
           We heard his feet shuffling down the hall

    Synonym: shuffle shamble