
scummy ['skʌmɪ]  ['skʌmɪ] 

scummy 基本解释


scummy 相关例句


1. That's a scummy trick.

scummy 网络解释

1. 满是浮渣的:8. ruffled 起皱的 | 9. scummy 满是浮渣的 | 10. translucent 半透明的

2. 卑賤的:26. craftsman 工匠 | 27. scummy 卑賤的 | 2. sloppy [口語]懶散的

3. 浮渣一般的:scummy 满是浮渣的 | scummy 浮渣一般的 | scuppernong 美国南部产的黄绿色大粒葡萄

4. 满是浮渣的/浮渣一般的/下流的:scummings /浮渣/ | scummy /满是浮渣的/浮渣一般的/下流的/ | scunner /反感/厌恶/

scummy 双语例句

1. Although you wear some cologne, I can stillvaguely smell a scummy whiff out of you.

2. That's a scummy trick. They have been playing all sorts of dirty tricks.

3. The scummy surface of the polluted pond.

4. If it is not really scummy and dirty you should not try to eliminate them from your tank.
    如果不是真的 scummy 和肮脏的你不应该尝试,以消除他们从您的智囊团。

5. I do not like walking through the scummy part of town.

6. Please do not accept pirates and scummy ripoffs of this software.

7. Although you wear some cologne, I can still vaguely smell a scummy whiff out of you.

8. I don't like walking through the scummy part of town.

scummy 英英释义


1. covered with scum

    e.g. the scummy surface of the polluted pond

2. of the most contemptible kind

    e.g. abject cowardice
           a low stunt to pull
           a low-down sneak
           his miserable treatment of his family
           You miserable skunk!
           a scummy rabble
           a scurvy trick

    Synonym: abject low low-down miserable scurvy