1. 大镰刀:日本散热器厂商大镰刀(Scythe)于10月11日正式发布消息,开始接受新版风扇JYUNI-PWM的预定,产品预计于10月下旬正式上市,目前还没有发布具体价格信息. 编辑点评:这款风扇的上一代产品虽然散热效果出众,但较高的噪音却成被不少玩家所诟病.
2. (镰刀):在内层地面上也是逆时针绕行,干掉守卫以后,取得新武器--镰刀(Scythe这个武器在使用武器特种技攻击时候非常好用,攻防兼并,不错!继续前进,来到有中世纪骑士旗子的大门进入. 这就是城堡的主塔了. 这个塔一共有5层,每一层至少有2个守卫的敌人.
3. 大钐刀:hayfork, pitchfork 干草叉 | scythe 大钐刀 | sickle 镰刀
4. 长柄大镰刀:sibyl 古代女预言家,女先知 | scythe 长柄大镰刀 | nasal 鼻的, 鼻音的
1. 长柄大镰刀;大钐镰
A scythe is a tool with a long curved blade at right angles to a long handle. It is used to cut long grass or grain.
2. scythe
2. 用长柄大镰刀割(草、庄稼)
If you scythe grass or grain, you cut it with a scythe.
e.g. Two men were attempting to scythe the long grass.
1. Like the blade of a scythe, the peninsula stretches out 35 kilometers into the Baltic Ocean.
1. an edge tool for cutting grass
has a long handle that must be held with both hands and a curved blade that moves parallel to the ground
1. cut with a scythe
e.g. scythe grass or grain