sea slug

sea slug [si: slʌɡ]  [si slʌɡ] 

sea slug 基本解释

名词海参; 海蛤蝓; 海牛

sea slug 网络解释

1. 海参,海牛:sea slide ==> 海底地滑,海底坍塌 | sea slug ==> 海参,海牛=>ウミウシ,ナマコ | sea snake ==> 海蛇

2. 海洋芯块):102:scorpion catcher :(蝎子捕捉者) | 103:sea slug ( 海洋芯块) | 104:shades of mort ton (通知猎物已死的号角声吨的色度)

sea slug 英英释义

sea slug的翻译


1. sea slug的近义词

1. any of various marine gastropods of the suborder Nudibranchia having a shell-less and often beautifully colored body

    Synonym: nudibranch