
seance ['seɪɒ̃s]  ['seɪɑ:ns] 


seance 基本解释

名词(招魂术士搞的) 降神会

seance 网络解释

1. 降神会:摄调物件多半在降神会(seance)上表演,受摄调之物可能是生物,也可能是无生物. 摄调活人有时称为转送. 据招魂论解释,摄调是先抽去物件的形体然后再重新赋予形体. ...

2. 会议, 降神会:full dress uniform 礼服制服 | seance 会议, 降神会 | forward radiation 向前辐射

3. 会议:Seanad Eireann 爱尔兰国会上议院 | seance 会议 | seapiece 海景画

4. 会社:SDT 信号检测论 | seance 会社 | search 搜索

seance 词典解释

1. 降神会(设法与亡灵对话的集会)
    A seance is a meeting in which people try to make contact with people who have died.

seance 单语例句

1. Other stories of the supernatural related by Walters included a seance by Mary Lincoln to recall the spirit of their dead son.

seance 英英释义


1. a meeting of spiritualists

    e.g. the seance was held in the medium's parlor

    Synonym: sitting session