
searching [ˈsɜ:tʃɪŋ]  [ˈsɜ:rtʃɪŋ] 





searching 基本解释


形容词搜索的; 彻底的; 锐利的


动词搜查; 找寻( search的现在分词 ); 探查; [医学](用仪器)探测(外伤)

searching 网络解释


1. 查找:查找(searching) 查找(searching) 查找(searching) 查找(searching)根据给定的某个值, 在查找表中确定一个其关键字等于给定值的数 在查找表中确定一个其关键字等于给定值的数 据元素.若表中存在这样的一个元素,则称查 找是成功的,

2. 搜寻:堆栈(Stack) B.排序(Sorting) C.搜寻(Searching) D.多任务(Multitasking)(B)35.某计算机采用偶同位(Even Parity)核对方式传送7位原始数据,则下列所接收到的数据,何者在传送过程中一定发生了错误?

3. 寻找:-陈列之方式归类与寻找(SEARCHING)位址-陈列配件之归类与寻找(SEARCHING)位址-资讯部负责软件开发与平日之维持运作,修改KEY-IN与保全(SECURITY)等有关技术性工作八、市场消费需求与商品类群(ASSORTMENT)政策:具备以产品本身品质导向、价值导向(VALUE)的OEM产品,

searching 词典解释

1. (问题、目光)洞察真相的,质问的
    A searching question or look is intended to discover the truth about something.

    e.g. They asked her some searching questions on moral philosophy and logic.

searching 单语例句

1. searching的近义词

1. He said he made his discovery by accident in 2000, while searching for a new monkey species.

2. Searching his home again on Wednesday, the police discovered the small hole by chance and found Feng inside.

3. searching是什么意思

3. US officials said they were searching for the assailant, who has not been identified by name or nationality.


4. After all that searching, a plain chicken egg can taste pretty good.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. A police officer by the name of Zhang Ninghai unfortunately lost his life while searching for the students.

6. searching的意思

6. Cai had to spend hours a day searching databases his journal subscribes to in order to identify plagiarism or copyright infringements.


7. Dow Jones directors have been searching for rivals to Murdoch's $ 5 billion bid, but it seemed unlikely that anyone can top it.

8. A canvass of the neighborhood turned up a family member searching for the child.

9. searching的意思

9. Leaders across the capitalist world are searching for ways out of the financial mess, which they so lovingly helped create.

10. The historic black cemetery had closed for nearly four months after authorities arrested four workers and began searching the grounds.

searching 英英释义



1. exploring thoroughly

2. diligent and thorough in inquiry or investigation

    e.g. a probing inquiry
           a searching investigation of their past dealings

    Synonym: inquisitory probing

3. having keenness and forcefulness and penetration in thought, expression, or intellect

    e.g. searching insights
           trenchant criticism

    Synonym: trenchant