
season [ˈsi:zn]  [ˈsizən] 







season 基本解释

名词季节,季; 时期; 活动期,时令; 暂时

及物动词使适应,使适用; 调味


season 相关词组


1. for a season : 一会儿;

2. in season : 当令, 及时, 及早;

3. out of season : 过时, 不合时令;

4. in good season : 及早;

season 相关例句



1. He was seasoned to outdoor work.


1. This is not the season for internal quarrels.

2. When does the rainy season set in here?

3. You should stop work and enjoy yourself for a season.

season 情景对话



A:Good morning, Jacques. Nice talking to you again.How’s the weather in your part of the world?

B:Couldn’t be better, Rocky.Sunny, 29°, light breeze...

A:Stop! I can’t take any more.So, what can I do for you, Jacques?

B:I need a couple of your SB2000 speedboats to rent to guests. Can you give me a price quote?

A:Let’s see... Uh, the list price is $6,500 U.S. You’re a valued customer, so I’ll give you a 10% discount.

B:That’s very reasonable. Do you have them in stock?

A:Sure do! We set up new inventory controls last year, so we don’t have many backlogs any more.

B:That’s good. The tourist season is just around the corner, so I need them pretty quick. What’s the earliest shipping date you can manage?

A:They can be ready for shipment in 2-3 weeks.

B:Perfect.What’s the total CIF price, Rocky?

A:Hang on ... The price will be $15,230 U.S. to your usual port. Do we have a deal?

B:You bet! Send me a fax with all the information, and I’ll send you my order right away. I’ll pay by irrevocable letter of credit, as usual. Same terms as always?

A:Of course.

B:Great! Nice doing business with you again, Rocky. Bye for now, and say hello to the family for me.

A:Will do, and the same goes for me. Bye, Jacques.

season 网络解释

1. 赛季:β版本十分出色,市场反响很好,很多玩家都表示很满意. 新的<<终结者:救赎FIG>>赛季(season)将在8月12日开始,这回是正式版!

2. (四季):一年春(spring)、夏(summer)、秋(autumn/fall)、冬(winter)四季(season),用英文提及时,有几点须留意. 第一,季节和月份January(一月)等不同,首字母不用大写,例如a cold winter(寒冷的冬天). 第二是冠词(article)的问题. 泛指冬天或夏天时,

season 词典解释

1. season

1. 季;季节;时节
    The seasons are the main periods into which a year can be divided and which each have their own typical weather conditions.

    e.g. Autumn's my favourite season.
    e.g. ...the only region of Brazil where all four seasons are clearly defined.

2. (一年中某项活动或某一事件发生的)节期,时期
    You can use season to refer to the period during each year when a particular activity or event takes place. For example, the planting season is the period when a particular plant or crop is planted.

    e.g. ...birds arriving for the breeding season...
    e.g. For law students, autumn brings the recruiting season.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. (水果、蔬菜等的)当令期,上市期
    You can use season to refer to the period when a particular fruit, vegetable, or other food is ready for eating and is widely available.

    e.g. The plum season is about to begin...
    e.g. Now British asparagus is in season.

4. (体育项目的)赛季
    You can use season to refer to a fixed period during each year when a particular sport is played.

    e.g. ...the baseball season...
    e.g. It is his first race this season.

5. (戏剧、表演的)上演期,会演期,献演期
    A season is a period in which a play or show, or a series of plays or shows, is performed in one place.

    e.g. ...a season of three new plays.
           3 部新戏剧的上演期
    e.g. ...the Royal Ballet's summer season.

6. season的翻译

6. (一系列相关影片的)上映期
    A season of films is several of them shown as a series because they are connected in some way.

    e.g. ...a brief season of films in which Artaud appeared.

7. 度假旺季;法定假期
    The holiday or vacation season is the time when most people have their holiday.

    e.g. ...the peak holiday season...
    e.g. There are discos and clubs but these are often closed out of season.

8. season的解释

8. 给…调味;加味于
    If you season food with salt, pepper, or spices, you add them to it in order to improve its flavour.

    e.g. Season the meat with salt and pepper...
    e.g. I believe in seasoning food before putting it on the table.


9. 对(木材)作干燥处理;风干,晒干(木材)
    If wood is seasoned, it is made suitable for making into furniture or for burning, usually by being allowed to dry out gradually.

    e.g. Ensure that new wood has been seasoned.

10. see also: seasoned;seasoning

11. (雌性动物)处于发情期
      If a female animal is in season, she is in a state where she is ready to have sex.

season 单语例句

1. As the holiday season approaches, new economic indicators show a business activity firming up and rising consumer confidence and spending.

2. Both Beijing and Shanghai real estate markets are entering a downward trend, experiencing an unusually poor business season.

3. He took this season off after Lakers owner Jerry Buss didn't offer him a new contract last year.

4. Their busy season usually runs from June to October, as big toy companies generally place their Christmas orders months in advance.

5. You get to live your life, have such a busy season and then quieten down a little bit.

6. Ng said the period before the Spring Festival is the busy season for funeral services.

7. He said the busy season for Xinjiang starts in June and continues to September.

8. season什么意思

8. The company also stipulates that workers cannot go on vacation during the busy season.

9. It is the busy season for new graduates trying to find a job.

10. season在线翻译

10. He said his company had even offered 10 to 20 percent discounts, something it does not normally do during the busy season from June to September.

season 英英释义


1. season的近义词

1. one of the natural periods into which the year is divided by the equinoxes and solstices or atmospheric conditions

    e.g. the regular sequence of the seasons

    Synonym: time of year

2. season

2. a recurrent time marked by major holidays

    e.g. it was the Christmas season

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. a period of the year marked by special events or activities in some field

    e.g. he celebrated his 10th season with the ballet company
           she always looked forward to the avocado season


1. season

1. make more temperate, acceptable, or suitable by adding something else

    e.g. she tempered her criticism

    Synonym: temper mollify

2. make fit

    e.g. This trip will season even the hardiest traveller

    Synonym: harden

3. season

3. lend flavor to

    e.g. Season the chicken breast after roasting it

    Synonym: flavor flavour