second childhood

second childhood [ˈsekənd ˈtʃaildhud]  [ˈsɛkənd ˈtʃaɪldˌhʊd] 

second childhood 基本解释

second childhood的翻译


second childhood 相关例句


1. Grandpa seems to be in his second childhood.

second childhood 网络解释

second childhood在线翻译

1. 第二童年;老糊涂:95.Second banana 喜剧演员的配角,搭挡 | 96.Second childhood 第二童年;老糊涂 | 97.Second wind 恢复精力

2. 老年智力衰退期:second chamber 上议院 | second childhood 老年智力衰退期 | second class 第二堂课

3. 老糊涂:142.second banana 配角 | 143.second childhood 老糊涂 | me 我可不知道

4. 老年昏聩状态:老伙计,老朋友/old buck;old egg | 老年昏聩状态/second childhood | 老牌优质汽车/vintage car

second childhood 词典解释
second childhood的反义词

1. 第二童年;老年昏聩状态
    If you say that an old person is in their second childhood, you mean that their mind is becoming weaker and that their behaviour is similar to that of a young child.

    e.g. ...his rapid descent into a second childhood.

second childhood 单语例句

1. second childhood的意思

1. I started working as an early childhood teacher in my second month of arrival in Beijing and have ever since been teaching in international schools.

2. Second, places reminiscent of my childhood might acquire aliases reeking of commercialism.

3. No wonder my adult kids in Australia think I am going through my second childhood.

second childhood 英英释义


1. mental infirmity as a consequence of old age
    sometimes shown by foolish infatuations

    Synonym: dotage senility