second to none

second to none [ˈsekənd tu: nʌn]  [ˈsɛkənd tu nʌn] 

second to none 基本解释

second to none的翻译

最好的; 顶呱呱

second to none 相关例句

second to none


1. As a football player, John is second to none.

second to none 网络解释


1. 最佳的:see the world 见过世面;见多识广 | second to none 最佳的 | second thoughts 重新考虑

2. 天下无双:世界七大奇迹the world's seven wonders | 天下无双 second to none | 天下第一泉 the No. One spring on earth

3. 独一无二:1) Hills of Alva 阿瓦山 | 3) Second To None 独一无二 | 4) Miss Girdle 吉尔德小姐

second to none 单语例句

1. second to none在线翻译

1. The overall advantages of Shanghai are second to none in the country though it is high for commercial cost.

2. The project is second to none not only for its investment scale, but also the technology and technical level among its domestic commercial vehicle production plants.

3. Mosaic is unpretentious and enjoyable for its clean and simple decor with an interesting view from a location that is second to none.


4. Glaab said the company has spent extensively on marketing Jaguar's heritage and pedigree, which is " second to none in the automotive industry ".

5. The support I have received while at NMSU has been second to none.

6. What the drivers were unknown was that this set of drawings is worked out by team leader himself and second to none in whole country.

7. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

7. The chefs are second to none, and all the meals they prepare come highly recommended.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

8. This telescope was second to none in China in terms of optical astronomical observations.