secondary industry

secondary industry [ˈsekəndəri ˈindəstri]  [ˈsɛkənˌdɛri ˈɪndəstri] 

secondary industry 基本解释

secondary industry的翻译


secondary industry 网络解释

1. 第二产业:三次产业分类法就是把国民经济部门划分为第一产业(Primary Industry)、第二产业(Secondary Industry)和第三产业的分类方法. 关于第三产业的范围,目前并没有一个世界各国统一的口径范围. 纵观西方经济学界和各国政府以及一些国际机构和组织对第三产业口径范围的划分,

2. 二次产业:英国经济学家,新西兰奥塔哥大学教授费希尔(A.G.B.Fisher)1935年提出三次产业分类法,把国民经济部门划分为第一(次)产业(primary industry)、第二(次)产业( secondary industry)和第三(次)产业(tertiary industry).

3. 产业:它是指除了第一产业(primary industry)和第二产业(secondary industry)以外的其他各业. 三次产业所包含的行业在世界各国没有完全一致的看法,不过范围大同小异. 第一产业包括农、林、牧、渔业. 这是生产初级产品的初级产业(采矿业因生产初级产品,

4. 次级产业:若此,则应兼属一种次级产业(Secondary Industry)之范围,由於现代交换经济日益繁荣与进步,生产技术不断创新,市场结构与组织亦趋复杂,则一商品陈列入零售市场(Retail Market)供消费者最后之选择,其中实已经过集货、加工、贮藏、买卖、分级、包装、融资、运输、资讯与行销等市场功能,

secondary industry 单语例句

1. We will vigorously develop secondary and tertiary industries in rural areas, support the agricultural product processing industry and improve the system for distributing agricultural products.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. And most industry insiders agree, accruing financial gains should be secondary to personal enjoyment when purchasing art.

3. secondary industry的近义词

3. In the computer industry, " master " and " slave " are used to refer to primary and secondary hard disk drives.

4. The employment percentage of primary industry workers has dropped markedly, while the employment percentages of secondary and tertiary industries have risen rapidly.

5. The goal is to develop so that primary industry accounts for 20 percent, secondary industry accounts for 35 percent and tertiary industry accounts for 45 percent.

6. The proportion of the secondary industry exceeded that of the tertiary industry for the first time.

7. " Foreign capital is destined to play a secondary role in China's media industry, " Wang said.

8. secondary industry是什么意思

8. City either to become super hub for Northeast and Southeast Asia, or be relegated as a secondary option in Asia's logistics industry.

9. The SFA said growth in secondary industry was mainly boosted by wood and bamboo products while forest tourism helped to shore up the tertiary industry.