
secondhand ['sekənd'hænd]  ['sekəndhænd] 

secondhand 基本解释


形容词二手的; 旧的; 用过的; <贬>(消息、信息等)间接得来的

secondhand 相关例句



1. His report contained only secondhand information.

2. The store deals in secondhand clothes.

3. I picked up the book in a secondhand bookstore.


1. I heard about it secondhand.

2. This is a book I bought secondhand years ago.

secondhand 网络解释

1. 秒针:本程序使用了面向对象的编程方法,由于时针(HourHand)、分针(MinuteHand)和秒针(SecondHand)包含相似的属性和方法,我们生成一个针(Hand)类作为它们共同的基类,提供共有的类成员.

2. 跳蚤市场:1.进入(8)人文信息-跳蚤市场(secondhand)版,版面搜索自行车(搜索方法应该会了吧),看看离现在最近时间的自行车信息吧.

3. 二手的:二 two | 二手的 secondhand | 二月 February

secondhand 单语例句

1. According to another survey by the Beijing municipal health authority, 51 percent of respondents said they were victims of secondhand smoke.

2. Secondhand goods are getting extra cachet now that the government is supporting the market's development.

3. The study did not take into consideration several other diseases usually associated to secondhand smoke, such as the sudden infant death syndrome and chronic respiratory diseases.

4. The article claimed that additional strategies were launched by BAT aimed at weakening secondhand smoke policies in China.

5. While mass produced products and brands increase the chances of wearing identical clothes, the chances are less when you wear secondhand clothes.

6. Shenzhen customs officials found that some of the smuggled mobile phones and tablets were secondhand and some were even electronic waste products.

7. secondhand

7. The couple had planned to spend only a few days in Dongguan, where Wei was doing business with a local friend over secondhand cars.

8. The city's piano dealers noticed that secondhand pianos from abroad had been dominating the market.

9. secondhand

9. He became a video enthusiast in 1996 when he bought a secondhand digital video camera.

10. The role of western navies could be to lend technical assistance and expertise, as well as provide some secondhand patrol vessels if required.

secondhand 英英释义


1. previously used or owned by another

    e.g. bought a secondhand (or used) car

    Synonym: used

2. derived from what is primary or original
    not firsthand

    e.g. a secondhand report
           a secondhand account of a memory of something once read
           most of our knowledge is secondhand


1. by indirect means

    e.g. I heard about it only secondhand or thirdhand
           he prefers to buy secondhand