secret service

secret service[ˈsi:krit ˈsɜːvɪs] 

第三人称复数:secret services

secret service 基本解释



secret service 网络解释

secret service

1. 特勤局:第一夫人蜜雪儿.欧巴马(Michelle Obama) 以及女儿莎夏(Sasha)和玛丽亚(Malia)有可能提早 几天前往. 正在洽谈的租约包括三部份,包括第一家庭、特勤 局(Secret Service)以及白宫随行人员的部份. 根据 消息人士,第一家庭部份将由欧巴马自掏腰包.

2. 特工:通常美国的前总统有政府提供的特工(secret service)担任保卫工作,而尼克松是例外,他谢绝政府为他提供保卫,自己掏钱雇佣保镖,那些保镖在走廊里守护,媒体不得进入采访,各大电视台都是在医院外面的街上等候新闻.

3. 特情局:址都存放在由ICANN管理的十三个顶级域名服务器(root name server)的一本联邦特情局(Secret Service)把国家博物馆(Smithsonian)里陈列的所有老起了多年以前的电传(Telex)和电报.

4. 美国特情局:U.S. Border Patrol 美国边境巡逻队 | Secret Service 美国特情局 | U.S. Air Force Stealth Pilots 美国空军隐形战机

secret service 词典解释

1. (政府的)特工机关,情报机关
    A country's secret service is a secret government department whose job is to find out enemy secrets and to prevent its own government's secrets from being discovered.

2. (美国负责保护总统的)特工处
    The secret service is the government department in the United States which protects the president.

secret service 单语例句

1. secret service

1. Secret Service spokesman Jim Mackin said officers at the checkpoint had a clipboard with names of the invited guests.

2. Blog service providers are required to ensure security and confidentiality of information that bloggers prefer to keep secret.

3. Gill said the Secret Service must balance its duties of investigating such communications with its respect for the constitutional right of freedom of speech.

4. The Department of Homeland Security has named the convention a national special security event, meaning the Secret Service will coordinate security.

5. Those totals don't include the cost of lawyers who represented the London police and the Secret Intelligence Service during the inquest.

6. secret service在线翻译

6. " It would be saying too much to make too big a deal out of this, " one Secret Service official said.

7. The Obamas arrived in Honolulu on Saturday with four aides, his Secret Service detail and a small group of journalists.

8. secret service是什么意思

8. He said state police are working with the Secret Service ahead of the wedding and will be diligent about keeping the Astor Estate secure.

9. Other company officers include the former global head of security for IBM and a former federal prosecutor and US Secret Service special agent.

10. Local resident Rhea Yamashiro took pictures of a Secret Service agent sprinting toward the pickup truck and pointing her gun toward the driver.

secret service 英英释义


1. the United States intelligence agency that protects current and former presidents and vice presidents and their immediate families and protects distinguished foreign visitors
    detects and apprehends counterfeiters
    suppresses forgery of government securities and documents

    Synonym: United States Secret Service US Secret Service USSS SS